Oxygen Plus For Plants - Hydrogen Peroxide Distilled 1 Litre Treatment.
Oxygen Plus treatment has many different uses such as:
Sanitise your Seeds All you need is your Oxygen Plus and a watertight container. Pour enough into a bottle to cover the seeds. Let them sit for four hours and then rinse them off. The seeds will be healthy and ready for you to plant in pots or your garden.
Eliminate Fungal Infections:
Have you noticed signs of fungal infections on your plants? A few signs include ‘rust’ on the leaves or stem, white mold, or brown spots on the leaves. Mix ¼ cup Oxygen Plus with one quart of water. Heavily water the plant with the mixture, making sure to get all sides of the roots. You almost want to ‘flush’ the roots of the fungus. You may feel like you’re overwatering the plants, but you’re actually flushing out the fungal infection.
Root Rot Prevention & Treatment:
Do you have plants with yellow leaves? They may have root rot. This happens when your soil doesn’t leave enough room for oxygenation. As it progresses, it causes decay on the roots and eventually works its way up to the leaves. If you’re easily able to pull up roots, they aren’t firmly planted in the ground, likely due to root rot. Oxygen Plus can help this with these simple steps: Mix one part Oxygen Plus with two parts water Pour the mixture around the roots of the plants, making sure it doesn’t touch the leaves This should help the soil aerate, giving the roots more room to breathe. You should have healthy roots with plenty of room and no tangles.
Pest and Insect Repellant:
Are you tired of pesky insects and pests taking over your plants? Oxygen Plus helps chase them away. While soaking the roots helps protect the heart of your plant, sometimes insects feast on the leaves. Mix equal parts Oxygen Plus and water in a spray bottle and lightly spray the leaves to chase away unwanted pests.
Disinfect Tools, Pots, and Greenhouses
Are you worried about bacteria in your pots? If you had plants with a disease or root rot in it already, the pot likely has disease too, which can spread to your plants. Mix one part ¼ cup Oxygen Plus to one quart water directly in the pot. Thoroughly wipe the sides of the pot, getting every area, but make sure you wear gloves while doing this. Dump the Oxygen Plus mix out and thoroughly rinse the pot, completely drying it when complete.
Help Root Growth:
Some people think of Oxygen Plus has fertiliser. While that’s not the case, it does encourage root growth. It gives your plants’ roots a boost of oxygen, which it needs to get the necessary nutrients. When the roots absorb more nutrients, they grow faster, giving you a healthier and faster-growing plant.
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