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The Pothos N’ Joy are vines or trailing plants. It has smaller leaves compared to the standard variety of pothos plants. The color of its leaves is a combination of white and solid green. This variety also tends to grow slowly. The trailing stems of heart-shaped leaves will root when they come into contact with soil. Pothos ‘NJoy’ has intense green color with cream to yellow variegation. It has smaller leaves than most pothos plants. The variegation changes depending on the amount of light. Plants grown in darker conditions fade to straight green. Brighter conditions produce more prominent variegated leaves.


Pothos plants are known for their ease of care and durability. They are happy placed in a bright well-lit area, however, they can tolerate lower light. They are living air purifiers, removing common household toxins from the air, making it a healthy and beautiful addition for your space.



• Light: Low to bright, indirect light
• Water: Water when the top few centimeters of soil dries out
• Considerations: Trim leggy vines to promote a bushier growth habit - the tip cuttings can be easily propagated! It loves humidity.



You'll get a healthy Epipremnum aureum "n'Joy" pothos that meets our rigorous quality standards in a 8cm - 15cm nursery pot, other planters are sold separately. No two plants are alike, and yours will have its own unique shape, size, and personality; expect this natural variation from the photos.

    Epipremnum aureum "n'Joy" Pothos

    PriceFrom $39.00