Promote new growth on your favorite house plants using Urban Botanist Cloning Paste. Locally made in Auckland, New Zealand.
The natural lanolin base infused with plant hormones tricks your house plants into producing new shoots when applied to dormant buds. Commonly used in tissue culture, the active ingredient in the cloning paste 'cytokinin' promotes cell division and shoot proliferation. The lanolin base is 100% natural made from a bi-product from sheep wool.
Propagation - Speed up new growth on a new cutting by applying cloning paste to the dormant bud after it has rooted. Especially handy for cuttings with no active growth tip. The mother plant can also be forced to produce new shoots faster.
This process will happen naturally after apical dominance is released, but can be sped up with the application of cloning paste. Some plants see new growth after one week.
Bushier plants - Cloning paste can be a great solution to avoid topping your indoor plants to produce lateral branching. Results vary depending on plant species, how prolific the plant grows, environmental factors, and seasons (spring and summer will bring the best results).
Cloning your favorite house plant - Keep your plant growing to maturity by keeping the main growth point whilst producing a 'clone' lower down on the stem.
Waking plants from dormancy - Dormant plants that have had cloning paste applied to them have been reported to ‘wake up’ and produce new shoots, especially evident in Hoyas.
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